Friday, March 20, 2015

Being High

Have you thought about the consequences of a car accident , talking about laws and those types of issues?
Ok, So yesterday around 10:30 pm I was home and I heard a tremendous BOOM sound, it seemed to come from the street where I live. After one minute and a half the police, the fire department, and an ambulance came. I came out to see what happened, and there she was, a teenager she was HIGH! (that’s what she said to the police officer when he asked her how she was doing). Picture this scene. Many people was out of their house to see what was going on , the lights of the police cars and the fire department were on, they looked like those really bright lights that the rides at six flags have, then the annoying sound of the ambulance came , calling more people’s attention. The car the girl was driving was in the middle of the street blocking the pass. After 5 minutes I came back home and thought Does she thinks that she will be only be worrying about a simple ticket? Did she thought about the consequences about her driving high? Well that’s why I am posting this little segment about the traffic laws here in my state California, so that those of you who use drugs and drive at the same time think twice on driving and using an automobile.

California’s drugged driving law is found at Sec. 23152 of the California Vehicle Code: It states that:
(c) It is unlawful for a person who is addicted to the use
of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in [an approved] narcotic treatment program
People that are already addicted to any drugs should not be driving just IF you use a type of drug as MEDICATION only !!
(e) It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle.
It is ILLEGAL to drive when you are high
(f) It is unlawful for a person who is under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug to drive a vehicle.
It is Also ILLEGAL to drive drunk
What happens if a driver is convicted of drug impaired driving in California?
A driver arrested for drugged driving in California will be charged with driving under the influence and subject to DUI penalties. A conviction for drugged driving will be considered as a prior offense for purposes of calculating punishment regardless of whether a subsequent offense is due to alcohol or drugs. Read more about California’s DUI laws.
What are the penalties for a DUI in California?
The penalties for a DUI in California will vary depending on the circumstances of the case, but generally, the sentencing guidelines for a DUI conviction are as follows.

4th Offense (within 10 months of third DUI)
4 days to 6 months
10 days to 1 year
120 days to 1 year
16 months
Fines and Penalties
Up to $1,000
Up to $1,800
Up to $1,800
Up to $18,000
License Suspension
30 days to 10 months
2 years (which can be reduced to 1)
3 years
4 years
IID** Required
Yes, in some counties

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