Thursday, March 26, 2015

Being a music lover

Being a music lover taught me the importance of music in every day life.Every single one of us, has had a memento in which music has  complemented us . Music is so important in our lives that we even use it to commemorate important event; birthdays, parties,weddings, baptisms,  graduations;and we even use it for sad events too:
funerals,to say good-bye,when we are   heartbroken etc .We listen to music everywhere we are:at the mall, at school, at the shower, at the elevator.Our mood does not matter; music is always there when  we feel  upset,gay, heartbroken, nostalgic, emotional etc.When we do not have music at this events we feel the lack of emotions, excitement,inspiration, etc.Music is vital for our life, it complements life,so without music life cannot be thorough.To transmit my message to all  ages, I selected distinct text genres: very short story, drawing,  tweet,  picture, and a recipe. If I accomplish my goal of communicating my message to all ages, more people will understand the importance of music and how it complements life.

The first textual genre I chose is a very short story.A very short story is a short text that talks about a topic,so it goes straight to the main argument of my message. Because my intended audience is children, ages 5 to 11, years old  I made a mini tale.I wanted to communicate a very important message in a simple way, so that children can enjoy and understand the reading, too.Also, since my reading is short and has adjusted vocabulary for children, they are more likely to understand the message.My very short story works because this type of genre appeals to kids. This fiction will capture their imagination.

My second genre is a drawing.This drawing is a dandelion that, along with the leaf it has music notes flying away.My expected audience for this drawing is adults from ages 18 and over because I believe adults are more likely to understand the implicit message on this drawing.Through this drawing,I  tried to appeal to the feelings of adults, by drawing a soft form representing music as a calm element, trying to make them feel relaxed when looking at the drawing.My drawing works because adults know how to admire the nature of things in a simplest form.It also functions, because it contains a caption that describes the meaning of the drawing in an indirect way.Life without music is not real life.

The third element I used is a tweet. A tweet is a writing that is posted in a tweeter account. I picked this genre because it is easy to understand, and it is common for my  audience. My predicted audience is teenagers, from 13 to 19- years old. I accommodated my message about the importance of music so that teens can comprehend the message easier by broadcasting it through a social media that they are attached to.I tweet is appropriate for my audience because teenagers use tweeter very frequently, on a daily basis.I also kept my caption short and catchy social that adolescents actually read the text.In addition, I used a picture to call their attention to and appeal to their feelings by looking at a teenager happy with a very specific caption.

The forth type of genre I chose is a picture.This is a picture of myself with my guitar signed by my favorite musicians. Through this picture,I want to  highlight the value of music in my life by showing myself happy with a  in a simple and straightforward caption;music makes me see the beauty of life. My contemplated audience is ages from 5 and up.I believe this picture works with all ages because  it is very explicit and I am confident all public from ages 5 and up will appreciate my message through my picture.Also, my picture works because since it is a picture, my audience does not need to use any electronic devices nor to have an account in a social media website.This makes my genre more accessible for all ages to be see. In addition, the text included underneath the picture will help the audience understand the meaning; plus, images are more attractive for people’s attention and my text is short and understandable.My picture calls attention and the text is simple, it will engage distinct audiences.
My fifth and last genre is a recipe.A recipe is a set of instructions which guides you in the process of making a certain dish.In this case, I used a recipe to communicate my message about the importance of music in our lives and how it helps us to be complete.In my recipe, the participant or the “chef” will be following the instructions of how to make the dish for “real life”. I decide to used this genre because I think a recipe will address my message more appropriately to my visualized audience. My planned audience is adults from 25 to 55- years-old. Because  people at this age, tend to cook more often than those at  certain ages they can be more touched for my message.I adjusted my vocabulary and ingredients so that my audience would have an appeals experience by reading my recipe. My recipe meets my objective of advocacy, because it appeals to my audience senses of humor.I appeal to my audience sense of humor by adding unusual ingredients my ingredients are: feelings, emotions, friends,heart broken etc.Using this method, I believe my audience will be more engaged and will understand my message by following the process of my recipe.

Music is a vital and a very powerful element that complements life.Through the use of distinct genres:texts,pictures,and drawings,tweets, and recipe,I advocated to different audiences the importance of music. I communicated my message explicitly and implicitly ,which I am pretty sure makes my message more understandable for different intended audiences. I informed my audience about the influence of music in  daily life. If a person do not have music in his/her life, his/her life won’t have  true meaning,without music life is not enjoyable at all. 

Student Success Statement

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true .I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong”

 Abraham Lincon
 I will always give my best on everything I do, even If win, even if I lose. I will always work as hard as I can to accomplish my goals and if I don’t accomplished them I will keep on trying and trying but always giving my best!


April fool’s Day
 April’s fool’s day is celebrated on April 1st, in the United States. It is not recognized as a holiday, but many celebrate by pranking, or pulling practical jokes. But this day is also celebrated in different ways all over the world.
Some theories about this day are that some cultures had a certain calendar that show that April first as the first day of the year therefore they celebrated by doing ceremonies. Some others did not think that way so they refused to participate on these celebrations, because they refused to follow this calendar it was instead called, April fool’s.
Since the main purpose of this day has been miss understood, the real purpose depends on the place, religion and/or what you really feel like doing, but the majority of people usually play pranks to each other.

You get to prank people but
If you prank people, you get pranked back

Friday, March 20, 2015

Student Success Statement

“I trust that my hard work dill pay off ”

Tyler Haws

I always think that If a work hard thinks will work and they do. It is completely true that if I work hard I will get my pay off , because good things aren’t easy or free. The best things you get them working hard and being committed to your goals. 

Being High

Have you thought about the consequences of a car accident , talking about laws and those types of issues?
Ok, So yesterday around 10:30 pm I was home and I heard a tremendous BOOM sound, it seemed to come from the street where I live. After one minute and a half the police, the fire department, and an ambulance came. I came out to see what happened, and there she was, a teenager she was HIGH! (that’s what she said to the police officer when he asked her how she was doing). Picture this scene. Many people was out of their house to see what was going on , the lights of the police cars and the fire department were on, they looked like those really bright lights that the rides at six flags have, then the annoying sound of the ambulance came , calling more people’s attention. The car the girl was driving was in the middle of the street blocking the pass. After 5 minutes I came back home and thought Does she thinks that she will be only be worrying about a simple ticket? Did she thought about the consequences about her driving high? Well that’s why I am posting this little segment about the traffic laws here in my state California, so that those of you who use drugs and drive at the same time think twice on driving and using an automobile.

California’s drugged driving law is found at Sec. 23152 of the California Vehicle Code: It states that:
(c) It is unlawful for a person who is addicted to the use
of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in [an approved] narcotic treatment program
People that are already addicted to any drugs should not be driving just IF you use a type of drug as MEDICATION only !!
(e) It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle.
It is ILLEGAL to drive when you are high
(f) It is unlawful for a person who is under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug to drive a vehicle.
It is Also ILLEGAL to drive drunk
What happens if a driver is convicted of drug impaired driving in California?
A driver arrested for drugged driving in California will be charged with driving under the influence and subject to DUI penalties. A conviction for drugged driving will be considered as a prior offense for purposes of calculating punishment regardless of whether a subsequent offense is due to alcohol or drugs. Read more about California’s DUI laws.
What are the penalties for a DUI in California?
The penalties for a DUI in California will vary depending on the circumstances of the case, but generally, the sentencing guidelines for a DUI conviction are as follows.

4th Offense (within 10 months of third DUI)
4 days to 6 months
10 days to 1 year
120 days to 1 year
16 months
Fines and Penalties
Up to $1,000
Up to $1,800
Up to $1,800
Up to $18,000
License Suspension
30 days to 10 months
2 years (which can be reduced to 1)
3 years
4 years
IID** Required
Yes, in some counties

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Into The WiIld Essay

A teenager from Oklahoma went missing inspired by Into The Wild. On April 18,2013, according to the News Paper Abc, a teenager disappeared “ in a remote region of Southwestern Oregon”. Dustin Self, 19 years old, watched The Into Wild movie, and wanted “to see if he could live in the wild”. As unbelievable as this might sound, a teen this movie provoked a teen to experiment in living out in the nature by himself. What was Christopher MacCandless inspiration to go into the wild?Christopher was a stubborn, pioneer, that was trying to show his independence, by going into the wild.

Stubborn is someone who has a certain determination or idea about something.Perfect description for Christopher MacCandless. MacCandless would not give up, he had this type of commitment whit himself of not letting stuff down. As Jon Krakauer stated on page 18 from the book Into The Wild “ Didn’t matter what it was, he’d do it: hard physical labor, mucking rotten grain and  dead rats out of the button of the hole jobs where you’d get so dam dirty you couldn’t even tell what you looked like at the end of the day. And he never quit at the middle of something. If he started a job he would finish it.” Being persistent is vital to become a successful individual. Persistency gives you character, it facilitates you to realize your goals, to not quit things even thought they are hard to accomplish. This was MacCandless , he was as persistent as the little birds when they are barely  starting to fly, they would not give up until they can fly by their own.This attitude was ,also, Christopher’s independence.

This determination shows that Christopher was headstrong, he would do any job without excuses he would finish it. Christopher was obstinate he made sure to always have the right answer so that he could move on. “Alex got stuck on things. He always had to know the absolute right answer, before he could go on to the next thing”(p.18) stablished Krakauer. Alex/Christopher had a lot of staminas, he always had to have the accurate answer, he had to be 100 percent correct to move on.Being annealed help MacCandless to achiever his goals. Christopher was a stubborn young man, whom would keep on one thing until he gets it right by himself, accepting no help from anyone.He was very independent.

Christopher decided “No longer to be poisoned by civilization he feels, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild” (Krakauer p.163) MacCandless felt he was being release from the society, and he would now be free into the wild.Christopher demonstrated is self-government through allowing himself to be free where, when, and how he wanted to be.When he started his trip, he knew he could die, but he still decided to do what he wanted to. He was tired of obeying  rules from the society he wanted to be allow.This shows how independent he was form his family; from the government and from other things that for almost everyone should be important, but they seemed to not have any influence on Christopher.He would ,still, do what he wanted. MacCandless wanted to do everything by his own. One day Christopher told Franz that he was leaving to San Diego, Franz offered MacCandless a ride and money but Christopher rejected him.”I give you money if you need some” “No. You don’t get it. I’m going to San Diego. And I’m leaving on Monday” “ Ok. I’ll drive you there” “Don’t be ridiculous”
“I need to go anyway”( Krakauer p.52)Christopher had this type of creed to not accept anybodies help. This is how he showed that he was reliable on himself not someone else. MacCandless did not let people help him, he would always oppose of being assist. Christopher was an individualistic pioneer.

Christopher liked to meet new people and to explore. MacCandless was migrating North so he would reach the Canadian frontier. He was looking into new places, fro one to another. “From Orick, MacCandless continued North up the coast. He passed through Piston River, Coos Bay, Seal Rock, Manzanita, Astoma; Hoquiam, Humptlips, Queets; Forks, Port Los Angeles, Port Townsend, Seattle”(Jon Krakauer 31). MacCandless was to explore, he would not stop migrating. He would always meet new people, new places, he was a pioneer. Being a frontiersman allowed him to increase is skills on the traveling among the road. He got this idea that if you stay in one place, you are making yourself a slave of a routine, and that you are not taking advantage of the opportunity every day gives you, which is to explore. As Christopher MacCandless said “ Don’t settle down and sit in one place. Mov around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon” stablished Krakauer in page 57. Christopher was a trailblazer whom has the idea that migrating take him fro just living life to living life to it’s fullest, being free in to the nature.

Christopher MacCandless was an obstinate, trailblazer that tried to show he could take the initiative. Maybe MacCandless was too young and he did not know well what he was doing, but he was a fighter a fighter that would keep up  no matter what. Christopher had initiative, obstinance and autonomy to conquer everything he visualized, but not enough to survived into the wild.

Trigonometry class

My Biggest Concern 

 My biggest concerns is, to pass my Trigonometry class.
Why is it so important? It is extremely important for me because as a right now I am not sure, but I believe I am falling this class , which for me , is a catastrophe because I had never fail a class before!. Since I got to the USA and I got in to high school I have being an A student until my senior year. It is because I don’t like math, I don’t get the content and I don’t understand when my teacher teaches.
I don’t know if it is because I am just not made for math or because I am not putting enough effort but what I do know is that today I said well I am done I give up on this! But something in my head told me that F doesn’t go with me and that I will push as hardest as I have to to pass this class.


Carrers around the world

Best Career Opportunities in:
Vice President (Executive and Management)
   Development Manager (Information Technology)
 Marketing Director (Marketing)

Master in Business Administration
Career in Airlines Industry
Software Engineer

. Engineering
 Information Technology
Investment Banking

Tourism and Engineering
Competent logistic sector
High-profile Professionals
For me it seems like if technology is one of the most promising career at off all of these courtiers. Therefore I would like to develop a career on Software Technology because it seems like many countries have this career as one of the best.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Michigan Eagles

The Michigan Eagles

The Michigan Eagles have a mighty heart and values.

At Olive Middle School in Michigan a kid called Keith received one of the most beautiful gifts anybody can gives a touchdown. The football team from Olive Middle School planed a touch down for Keith because Keith was really important for them this was their way to show it. The team got the closest to the goal post as they could get and put Keith in the play letting him score a touchdown. This action show humanity, kindness, respect, appreciation and great values that I wish everyone could have.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“They’re only truly great who are truly good”

George Chapman
Only if you work a 100% you will get a 100% yours but if you only work a 70% don’t spec the other 30% to make you feel good.

St. Francis Medical Center

Volunteer     Opportunities
If you are interested on the medical field, or you are unsure about studying medicine, or you just want to make the difference and help others by volunteering. This is the great opportunity for you!
At St. Francis ‘Volunteers play a significant role in providing care and support services to St. Francis Medical Center.” Not only that but you get to explore the medical field really close, which helps you to see if you are for the job or not.
To become a Care Ambassador the requirements are:
·       Be older than 14 years old
·       It is not necessary to be enroll in High School but if so you must have a GPA higher than 2.0
The process:
·       First you will have to fill out an application form and summit it to the Volunteer office
·       After your application is analyzed the Volunteer personal will give you an appointment date for your interview.
·       The interview will be about what accomplishments have you done?, what are your weaknesses?, what are your strongest, why do you want to volunteer? Etc.

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Castillo and I’ve being a Care Ambassador at St. Francis Medical Center for almost a year now. Being a Care Ambassador is a very nice experience which I believe everyone should try. Not only you feel fulfilled because you help your community and people that need it, but you learn new things from professionals and you get to work among the doctors and nurses which is an extremely warm experience. Volunteering at St. Francis will provide you with skills like leadership, listening, team work, critical thinking, multitask and thinking under pressure.

 For more information contact the Volunteer Services Department at (310) 900-8574.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Student Success Statement

“I won’t cheat” 

                                  Dale Murphy

These a few but very mighty words that leads me to think why I would cheat if the only person affected by the negatives will be myself?. Cheating leads you to the bad, sick, nasty side of yourself. Whenever you are about to cheat remember and think that the only person you are cheating is yourself.

Cancer Doctors


Duties and responsibilities: Is a doctor whom is specialized on treating people with cancer. There are three different types of Oncologist medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists  .
Salary:  $217,856 
Education: After earning a bachelor's degree, oncologists must complete medical school, followed by a residency (residency is when the doctors work in a hospital for a certain amount of time after they get the doctors).

I would like to be an oncologist because I would like to treat/prevent patients from cancer and I would make good money. I also find amazing the process of how oncologists treat their patients. In the other hand I would like to be part of a great group of doctors who help patients with cancer.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Student Success Statement

“Character Matter Most”

Dale Murphy

The mental and valuable qualities in an individual, that’s what character is. Having a well character defines you as a good or bad individual; therefore you must have character as your major priority.


Duties and responsibilities:  Light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) by exposure to artificial light. Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time each year, usually in the fall or winter.
Salary: $18,000
Education: You have to have your GED, after you take certain courses to specialize in light therapy.

I won’t like to be one because I found this kind of difficult to understand, and I don’t think I would enjoy my job.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mitch Mackee

Mitch Mackee is a teen ager that, while in  his freshman year, he won the wrestler nationals. Inspired by his dad whom had cancer,  Mitch though that if he would win the nationals, his dad would forget about his illness for a bit and because it might be a little too late for his father. Mitch worked really hard practicing and practicing and practicing.  What I think about what Mitch did is that,he put not just effort but his big heart and all the love he felt for his dad, because at the end the love you put in your work is the one that more stands, just like Mitch did.

Student Success Statemen

“Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all”

Benjamin Franklin

Even if you have all the skills and opportunities to succeed in life but you don’t have a right heart your success won’t be 100% right, but if you have the right heart it will be fully a 100% right.

Health Educator

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: Health Educators teach people how to promote the wellness .They create and implement a process to refine the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect information and debate health concerns with members of certain populations or communities.
Salary: $48,790
Education: Health educators need a bachelor’s degree. Many employers require the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential. Requirements for community health workers vary, although they typically have at least a high school diploma and must complete a brief period of on-the-job training. Some states have certification programs for community health workers.

I would love to be a Health Educator because I like health and teaching. I find this career really interesting. I like to work with people, and the community so I would like to be one.